by Toys and Models Corporation
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Review & Description
Apollo 16 (April 16 April 27 1972) was launched from John F. Kennedy Space Center and was the fifth manned lunar landing mission. The crew consisted of John W. Young as spacecraft commander Ken Mattingly as command module pilot and Charlie Duke as lunar module pi lot. Apollo 16 was the first scientific expedition to inspect survey and sample materials and surface features in the Descartes region of the rugged lunar highlands. Duke commenced the record setting lunar surface stay of 71 hours and 14 minutes by maneuvering the lunar module Orion to a landing on the rough Cayley Plains. Charles Moss Duke Jr. (or Charlie Duke) a retired USAF Brigadier General was a United States astronaut for NASA. He is one of only twelve men who have walked on the moon. In the 1998 miniseries From the Earth to the Moon Charlie Duke was portrayed by J. Downing. It was Charles Duke who left a plastic-encased photo portrait of his family on the moon. Read more
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